Semaglutide - Extreme Fat and Weight Loss
Semaglutide - Extreme Fat and Weight Loss

Semaglutide - Extreme Fat and Weight Loss

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Regular price $125.00 Sale

5000 IOUs  Another large study found that people who took semaglutide lost an average of 14.9 percent of their body weight over 68 weeks. Semaglutide is quite effective for weight loss.

Gather Supplies: Before you begin, ensure you have all the supplies you need: a vial of Semaglutide, sterile water for injection, an alcohol swab, and a 3 mL syringe.

Reconstitute the Powder: Take the vial of Semaglutide out of the refrigerator and allow it to come to room temperature (this should take about 10 minutes). Using an alcohol swab, clean the top of the vial. Then using your 3 mL syringe, draw up 1 mL of Sterile Water for Injection into the syringe( this amount can vary, so refer back to your prescription.) Insert the needle into the vial with powder and inject sterile water into the vial slowly until all powder is dissolved – usually takes about 5 seconds. Gently swirl the content by rotating the bottle until all powder is dissolved.

Refrigerate Mixture: Once all powder is dissolved in liquid, place it back in the refrigerator until ready to use.