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10 ml per vial. When you begin a diet, you may notice that you lose fat very unevenly on your body. The areas you don't wish to concentrate your fat loss seem to be most responsive to the restriction of calories. On the other hand, the areas you desire to shed fat seem to be unaffected by the diet. In women, the breasts may be shrinking, while the lower body remains as fat as it was. In men, even if the waist is getting smaller, the abs are not getting any more visible.
Rather than an overall and even fat reduction, the weight loss will be more "spot specific". Popular belief is that we can not spot reduce fat. This is however a myth because the human body does, but unfortunately, it doesn't necessarily do it in the places we wish it to. What we have to do, is to redirect the fat destruction in areas we want to shrink rather than everywhere else. Please realize that your abs are not covered by that much fat. Imagine if one could concentrate the fat loss exclusively in that particular area. It is the same thing for the women who could easily lose their lower body fat by strictly concentrating the fat reduction there.
GP Helios contains a blend of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride and Yohimbine Hydrochloride, a very potent combination of a beta and alpha antagon. Dosage .5 ml Daily and you can work it up to .75 ml.